PHI MU ALPHA - Fraternity/Sorority Officers S.Y. 2008-2009
- Lady Archon - Sis. Ariane Ladaga
- Deputy Grand Archon - Brod. Kenneth Restor
- Lady Chancellor - Sis. Mae Anne Camille Barbon
- Grand Chamberlaine - Sis Yasmeen Junaid
- Lady Auditor - Sis. Fay Ann Burlasa
- Lady Marshall - Sis. Germaine Villahermosa
- Grand Transactor - Brod. Clint Publico
- Lady Deputy Initiator - Sis Joanah Laurene Hingpit
- Minister of Plebes - Brod. Marvi Roa
- Master Initiator - Brod. Karl Elivera
We, the Upsilonians, imploring the aid of the Divine Providence in order to foster closer and lasting relationship among ourselves, to promote constructive and effective leadership and to uphold opportunity to serve the country, to secure ourselves the blessings of universal brotherhood/sisterhood and to dedicate ourselves to the ideas of Filipino manhood, through cultural, social and economic activities, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.
Great work mga bro/sis, with this we can now link the past with the present. I'l send words of the exsistence of this site.
richard (UPS GA 84'-85')
hello brod and sis.... wow kagana sa iju website.. suya ako ya pay amo ing ana kagana na web.. cmay iju web master dra???
I'm from Sigma- sigma Mu chapter
absolutely, Upsilonians has the best quality members,,,,,,
Unitas Pax et Salus!!!!
Kudos Brothers and Sisters!
Da best da best inyo website. i'm proud of you kay dira pud ko survive year 1982 with Johanes fernandez(canada), Rommel debulgado ( 1st councilman, San Carlos City, Neg. Occ.)Rowel Debulgado. God Bless!
Brod Omay Katalbas
President-S.C.C. Alumni Chapter
Greetings from Sunny and Chilly Washington DC,USA...
Nice website mga kababayan....Its nice to know more about your good fraternity....
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